Excerpt from OMAFRA Publication 505 ‘Ontario Weeds’
It is essential that Goldenrod, Solidago spp., [verge d’or, solidage], not be confused with Common ragweed. Several species of Goldenrod occur throughout Ontario in meadows, pastures, woodland, river flats and roadsides, and have very conspicuous bright yellow inflorescences during the ragweed hayfever season of late summer and autumn. Goldenrods do produce pollen but only in small quantities, and their pollen is heavy and sticky. It is not carried on the wind and the plants are pollinated by insects. Because Goldenrod pollen is not carried on the wind, it must not be blamed as the source of irritation for ragweed hay fever sufferers.
Common ragweed is the most important cause of hay fever during August and September. Although inconspicuous and not recognized by most people, the tiny male flower beads hanging on their slender stalks produce huge quantities of very light pollen. As the pollen falls from these hanging flowers, it is caught by the wind and may be carried for distances greater than 200 km (125 miles). Hay fever sufferers, therefore, may be affected by pollen from ragweed plants far away.
- Easy to grow and easy to pull out
- Available in nurseries as Solidago
- Beautiful; good for cut flowers
- Sun; tolerant of dry or wet conditions, Zone 3
- Attracts butterflies and bees
- 35-70 cm (1-2 feet) tall and 45 cm (1 ½ ft) wide
- Blooms late summer and fall
- Winter interest and seeds for birds